How TS Japan Rail can enhance your clients' Japan trip…

Business to Business
Whether your client is a general tourist or who wants to Explore Japan by Train, or rail enthusiast, TS Japan Rail as your local partner can help you provide extra value to you clients with:
Local Expertise with access to comprehensive local information ensuring accurate and detailed travel planning.
Assistance in selecting the most suitable travel tickets and passes for your client's trip.
Original ideas, especially for those seeking unique and unconventional experiences.
Provision of general information to ensure that your clients' trips are as stress-free as possible.
Japan Rail Travel
Local Partner with Local Knowledge
As an independent rail travel expert we are happy to discuss ways that we can help you add value for your clients and also help you attract more clients by enhancing your Japan Travel product. We try to make the travel part of the experience of visiting Japan.
point 1
Interesting Destinations
point 2
Experience the shinkansen
Point 3
Travel on scenic and interesting rail routes
Point 4
Tourist trains

TS日本鉄道旅行企画株式会社は、通常の外国人観光客向けのコースにはない、オーダーメイドの旅をご提案しています。 日本のさまざまな地域を見たり、体験したりできるよう、有名な鉄道以外にも地方や田舎の路線も含めたプランも数多くご用意しており、鉄道ファンの方々には、新幹線や都市部の路線以外にも、日本の鉄道のさまざまな側面をお楽しみいただけたらと思います。 私たちは、地域や地方の観光地管理団体(DMO)との提携を喜んでお引き受けします。 まずはお気軽にお問い合わせください。
TS Japan Rail encourages foreign visitors to travel to places that are not on the regular foreign tourist trails and of course we encourage them to take the train, including many of the provincial and rural railway lines so that they can both see and experience the many aspects of Japan. We also like to encourage rail enthusiasts to see the many aspects of Japan’s railways, other than the shinkansen and the bid city urban lines. We are very happy to collaborate with regional and local Destination Management Organisations (DMOs) as we believe that our aims are very much complimentary with yours. Please contact us to start discussing how we can help you.

Rail Enthusiast Tours
We can provide valuable assistance to tour operators and railway enthusiast societies that are planning and organizing Rail Tours of Japan.
Whether you have specific railway themes or regions that you want your tour to cover, or if you simply want to experience everything Japan has to offer and need ideas to make your tour unique, TS Japan Rail, the "Japan Rail Experts," can assist you. We can also collaborate with local travel agents, to offer fully customizable tour packages that cater to your specific needs.
TS Japan Rail helped organise the Locomotive Club of Great Britain 2023 Japan Tour!
We are more than happy to discuss any ideas
with you!
You can get in touch with us by email or by using the Business Enquiry Form.

Explore Japan by Train…Explore Japan’s Railways…