Watarase Keikoku Railway – one of the most scenic railway lines in Japan…
There are many scenic rural railway lines in Japan, and the Watarase Keikoku Line definetely ranks high on the list of best (it was featured in the Japanese Travel & Railway Magazine (旅と鉄道) November 2023 edition, being ranked as no 1 by one of their contributors).
The line runs along the Watarase River from Kiryu in Gunma Prefecture to Mato in Tochigi Prefecture.
In spring (April May) and Autumn (October and November) the colours are just magnificent, But it is still very scenic the rest of the year as well.

Godo (神戸駅) and Sori (沢入駅) stations are perhaps the two most scenic & interesting stations on this line. Trains normally stop for a few minutes at Godo. At Sori station you can get a good picture from the front or back of the train.

See below for travel information
But, this scenic railway was originally built to serve a copper mine…
The 44km Watarase Keikoku Railway runs from Kiryu in Gunma Prefecture to Mato in Tochigi Prefecture. Its origins go back to when there was copper mining in the Ashio area of Tochigi.
The Ashio Copper Mine closed in 1973 and apart from Kiryu City at the southern end of the line, the area served by the railway is very rural as it travels along the Watarase River.

Watarase Keikoku Railway Video
Tourist Train – “Torokko Watarase Keikoku train”
On many weekends and holidays the Watarase Keikoku Railway operates a Torokko Watarase Keikoku train with open sides so that you can get an even better view. The service operates on most Sundays throughout the year and on some other days, particularly during April, October and November.
There is also a “Zombie Train” event that operates on a small number of days during the summer, where the Zombies living in the 5km tunnel between Godo & Sori stations come to life!
The Torokko Watarase Keikoku Train [トロッコわたらせ渓谷号 ] is all reserved seats. You can book tickets at the travel venters at Tobu Nikko & Kinugawa onsen stations, and at travel agents Tobu Top Travel, JTB, Nippon Travel Agency & Kinki Nippon Tourist. You can also purchase using the Loppi terminals at Lawson and Ministop convenience stores (L-Code 38752).
You can also purchase from Aioi and Omama stations on the day if seats are available.
Station restaurant in old railway carriage…
At Godo station, on the up platform (Omama & Kiryu direction) there is a restaurant where the seating is in two old railway carriages.
The restaurant also does pre-ordered Obento meals, and one of the reasons why trains stop for a few minutes at Godo is to allow passengers to pick up their obentos!

Although may be not featured in the Michelin Guide the food was good! The restaurant specialises in Yamato Pork (the above picture is breaded Pork Cutlets in a tasty sauce) and Gunma Maitake Mushrooms.
The Train Restaurant Seiryu is part of Godo Station being accessed from one of the platforms. It is formed by 2 carriages from former Tobu 1720 series “Deluxe Romanace Car Kegon” train that Tobu operated between Asakusa and Nikko before the 100 series Spacia trains were introduced.
The Restaurant is open daily April ~ November, but closed on Mondays (or Tuesday is Monday is a public holiday) December ~ March
Web page https://watetsu.com/sightseeing/seiryu.php (Japanese)
The Watarase Keikoku Railway was part of the JNR network and after privatisation came briefly under the control of JR East. At that time it was called the Ashio Line.
In 1989 it was transferred to the newly formed third sector railway company Watarase Keikoku Tetsudo.
Freight traffic ended on the line after the closure of the Ashio Copper mine.
The line is non electrified and operated by a fleet of single car DMUs, with all but 1 having names. The company also has 2 DE10 Diesel Locomotives that are used to haul the torokko resha, which is made up of 5 converted carriages.
At the Shimo Shinden signal stop between Kiryu and Shimo Shinden stations, which is where the Watarase Keikoku Line joins the JR East Ryomo Line and goes the short distance into JR Kiryu Station where it uses one platform.
There is also the Shimoshinden rail yard, which is where freight trains from the old Ashio Line in JNR / JR ownership times would wait. Today it is used for track maintenance and JR East’s Takasaki Branch Training Center.
Picture Gallery

From Tokyo there are 3 ways to reach the Watarase Keikoku Railway by train:
This is the most direct way and easiest if you use Tobu’s Limited Express Ryomo services going to Akagi. You need to change to the Watarase Line at Aioi station (journey time around 1hr 50mins fareY2,480. JR Rail Passes are not valid on this route.
Take the Tohoku Shinkansen to Oyama and then the JR Ryomo Line to Kiryu. Journey time is about 1hr 50mins fare (shinkansen unreserved) Y4,390. Alternatively you can take a conventional Utsunomiya Line train to Oyama. Journey time 2hrs 40mins but fare is Y2,310.
JR Rail Pass is valid on this route to Kiryu.
take a Joetsu or Hokuriku Shinkansen service to Takasaki and change to the JR Ryomo Line to Kiryu. Journey time is about 1hr 50mins from Tokyo and fare (Shinkansen unreserved) Y5,150. Alternatively you can take a conventional Takasaki Line train to Takasaki. Journey time is about 3hrs 15mins from Tokyo and fare Y2,310.
JR Rail Passes are valid on this route to Kiryu.
The Watarase Keikoku Railway is a rural railway . Many trains only go between Kiryu and Omama, and those going to Mato operate every 1 1/2 to 2hrs. Tobu’s Limited Express Ryomo to Akagi operates hourly, as do trains on the JR Ryomo Line.
For clients of TSJR we can provide a travel plan.
JR Rail Passes are not valid on Watarase Keikoku trains.
We recommend that travellers who intend to travel the whole line that they get a Watarase Keikoku One Day Free Pass. Cost is Y1,880 adult & Y940 child. These tickets can be bought at the ticket offices at Kiryu, Aioi & Omama (and also Tsudo and Ashio). A digital one day pass can also be purchased using the Gunma MAAS website.
A round trip on the Watarase Keikoku Railway (Kiryu~Mato~Kiryu) takes approximately 3hrs. This does not include any stop offs on the way (although there is a wait at Mato for the return train which is included. For those wanting to visit the Train Restaurant Seiryu, getting off at Godo and waiting for the train return gives enough time for a leisurely lunch.
Watarase Keikoku Railway website (Japanese)
Information in English (Visit Gunma site)

For those using TSJR’s Itinerary or Full Travel Planning services…
TS Japan Rail will plan all aspects of your travel to the Watarase Keikoku Railway, train times and best tickets / passes to buy etc.
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