Sacred mountains, castles and seascapes...

There are many places to visit and spend time in Tohoku.
Tohoku is easy to explore from Tokyo. Cities such as Sendai, Yamagata, Aomori and Akita are fairly well known, but we suggest also visiting places such Morioka, Hiraizumi and Tsuruoka. There are also many scenic rail lines in the region.
Notable Places

01 Sendai
Capital of Miyagi and often seen as the capital of Tohoku. As well as Sendai itself with its criss crossing streets, it is a good base to explore the rest of Miyagi Prefecture.
02 Hirosaki
A castle town in the Northern prefecture of Aomori is famous for its sakura in the castle park. The city also has many historical buildings. Hirosaki is in the middle of the Tsugaru area which is the largest apple growing area in Japan.
03 Tsuruoka
Japan’s first UNESCO Creative City of Gastronomy and also the gateway to the Three Sacred Mountains (Dewa Sanzan). The city also has a JellyFish museum.
04 Hiraizumi
A UNESCO World Heritage site with a number of temples and gardens, including Chuson-ji withs its Golden Hall and other buildings
Interesting Rail Routes
Hokkaido is not the easiest place to explore by rail,
but nevertheless there are many scenic railway lines.

03 Tadami Line
04 Tsugaru Railway
05 JR Uetsu Main line
06 Banetsu East & West Lines

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