Japanese Regions

Japan is a nation comprised of over 6,800 islands.
Among these islands, there are four main large ones. The largest and most populous is Honshu, which is home to prominent cities such as Tokyo, Kyoto, and Osaka. Following Honshu is Hokkaido in the North is the second largest island, followed by Kyushu and Shikoku.
Honshu itself can be further divided into five regions: Tohoku, Kanto, Chubu, Kansai, and Chugoku.
The Japanese archipelago extends from the tropical Okinawa in the south to Hokkaido in the north where temperatures can become extremely cold during winter.
Click on area of map to view brief descriptions on each region.
The descriptions are brief and are only meant to provide a flavor of the regions. We can provide a lot more information and help with travel plans for clients. Note we do not have a page for Okinawa as there is only one short monorail system, but we can include Okinawa where clients want to travel there
These geographical characteristics result in Japan having diverse ecosystems that greatly influence its rich cultures and traditions, as well as its weather.
Moreover, all four main islands are connected through rail links via Honshu along with air services.
Mini Guide to
Japan’s Regions
Some places to visit and interesting rail routes to travel…
This is not a comprehensive guide , just a pointer to some interesting places to visit and railway routes to travel on. We have also included links to local tourist information, often the best source for information…

Explore Japan by Train…Explore Japan’s Railways…